Paid Research Opportunity: Social Media Interviews

The Social Media Lab at Northwestern University invites you to participate in a research study that explores how you use and think about social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Come to our lab at Northwestern University’s Evanston Campus and participate in an interview that will last 60-90 minutes. You will receive $25 cash upon completion of the interview.

To participate, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Use at least one of the above social media platforms three times a week or more.

To participate in the study, or to ask any questions, please email Jeremy Birnholtz or Mike DeVito from the Department of Communication Studies at

This study (IRB # STU00204069) is being run by Northwestern University’s Department of Communication Studies. Professor Jeremy Birnholtz is the principal investigator, and PhD student Mike DeVito is the co-investigator.